Mental Health is Health

people running
Promise me you’ll always remember: you’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
— Christopher Robin

Since 1949, May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month, creating a crucial space to discuss the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions. It is refreshing to see more people speak openly about their struggles with anxiety, depression, and thoughts of self-harm instead of keeping them internalized. The reality of mental health crisis fatigue is compounded by the aftermath of COVID lockdowns, social injustices, environmental degradation, financial uncertainties, mass shootings, inflation, the war in Ukraine, and conflicts in the Middle East. These overwhelming issues can drain our energy and vitality.

Embracing Self-Care Practices

So, what can we do about this? Creating self-care practices is essential.

Mindfulness: Living in the Present

Living in the present moment is crucial. Ekhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, encourages us to ask ourselves two questions: "Where am I?" and "What time is it?" The answer is always "here" and "now." Often, we are not truly present; instead, we are lost in thoughts about stressful situations beyond our control. The moment we think of a stressful situation, our body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, causing our heart rate to increase, blood pressure to rise, muscles to tense, and our rational brain to shut off. This creates a real physical response initiated by thoughts alone. The key is to identify when our thoughts are pulling us away from the present moment and stop the fight, flight, or freeze response.

The Power of Exercise

Exercise offers a backdoor approach to achieving presence. When you move your body, lift weights, and stay active, it’s challenging to focus on the world's stressors. The burning sensation in your muscles during a workout keeps you anchored in the moment. For me, fitness is meditative; it forces me to shut my brain off and feel my body. Doing this with a group enhances the experience—sweating together, facing challenges together, and bonding together. These moments build strong relationships. Some of my favorite 'dates' with Kelly are when we work out together, whether going for a run or doing a CrossFit or Bootcamp class. The experience is even better when the kids join us. Watching our five-year-old do burpees and seeing the sense of accomplishment on his face is priceless. We hope to teach our kids life skills to cope with stress: be in the community, move your body, and stay present.

Join the Movement: 'Mile a Day May'

One of the challenges we do each May at Experience Momentum is 'Mile a Day May.' We encourage all of our customers to walk, run, bike, row, swim, and move one mile a day. We know that movement improves presence in each moment and releases those good hormones, specifically endorphins. Endorphins, also known as "feel-good" chemicals, help relieve pain and stress.

Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month with 'MURPH'

To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, we invite you to join our community workout, "MURPH." This free event is open to all and offers a chance to experience movement, connection, and a great time together. "MURPH" is a CrossFit "hero" workout that honors the life of Navy SEAL Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who died in Afghanistan in 2005.

The workout consists of:

  • A one-mile run

  • 100 pull-ups

  • 200 push-ups

  • 300 squats

  • Another one-mile run

We make this workout accessible to all by scaling the distances and movements to make it achievable. If you are free, join us on Friday evening in Fremont or at our Lynnwood location on Saturday morning. Register for MURPH on the MindBodyOnline app or email us at!

workout high fives

MURPH is accessible to all by scaling the distances and movements to make it achievable. If you are free, join us on Friday evening

in Fremont or at our Lynnwood location on Saturday morning. 


MURPH Workout

A one-mile run 

100 pull-ups 

200 push-ups 

300 squats

Another one-mile run 


Let's come together to move, connect, and support each other during this important month. Remember Winnie the Pooh's wise words: "Promise me you’ll always remember: you’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Thank you so much for your support of Experience Momentum. I love seeing you all challenge yourselves to be better for your health and wellness; it truly is beautiful!

Written by Shanon Tysland | Founder, CEO at Experience Momentum



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