Breaking Binary Barriers in Fitness: Gale’s Journey as a Trans Man and the Power of Inclusive Community

We are honored to introduce Coach Gale as a guest writer, and member of the Experience Momentum team. As a trans man who transitioned while being a fitness member, Gale’s journey exemplifies resilience and authenticity. His story of personal transformation and commitment to supporting others is truly inspiring.

Trans Male Coach, Gale, Headshot

Everyone not only accepted, but celebrated my journey around identity.

Coach Gale

Fitness is built around the binary. Idealized standards for “men” and “women” are ingrained into the identity of the exercise industry and suffocates everyone in between. As a result, fitness is framed by body standards, aesthetic goals, limitations, and expectations that skew any attempts at authentic, attuned movement. Instead of empowerment, we compare and compete, chasing a version of ourselves that is far from truth.  

When I first stepped foot into Experience Momentum, I was in a desperate spiral to find myself. Movement had become a reminder of my own dysphoria and I found myself lamenting how it felt to move in my own body. What may seem like a simple box jump or jump rope brought me pain. Some days I felt powerless and had to summon all my strength to walk in EM’s doors. But I showed up. Coaches used my pronouns (at the time they/them) and treated me as a human, rather than a woman.  

I distinctly remember the day I told the staff I changed my name to Gale and started taking testosterone. It was one of the scariest moments of my life, coming out to people who knew me as a past version of myself. Coming out is like breaking out of a cocoon. It is introducing yourself to the world for the first time, and sharing your true self with people who never knew you were hiding. Amidst all my concern, I was literally embraced with open arms. Coaches were intentional about using my pronouns (he/him) and calling me Gale. I felt seen, heard, and loved in a space that truly held so much weight for me. Everyone not only accepted, but celebrated my journey around identity. Although I still experienced dysphoria in the gym space, I knew I was safe to move how I could no matter the difficulty.  

Transferring into my coaching role at EM, I was keenly aware of my unique position as a trans man. However, I quickly learned that my gender was irrelevant. I was treated as Coach Gale not Trans Coach Gale. A couple months into my role, I received top surgery (a double mastectomy) and my life was forever changed. I immediately started Physical Therapy with DPT Jessica Gunn, who made the complicated process of returning to fitness not only streamlined, but exciting. For the first time in my life I felt truly free whilst learning how to move in my own body all over again. Throughout my recovery, I was supported by both staff and members who graciously helped demo some movements I wasn’t allowed to do yet.

For the first time in my life I felt truly free whilst learning how to move in my own body all over again.

Coach Gale

Transitioning is a complicated, emotional, and impactful process that reframes self and outside perception tenfold. As a trans man navigating a politically charged and increasingly dangerous society, acceptance and safety are paramount. Receiving such affirmation felt like a gift. I am forever grateful for this community and how truly brilliant all of our members and staff are and continue to be.  

Though my personal experience is unique, I believe that every person who walks through our doors is in the process of becoming. Becoming a different version of themselves, evolving into their true selves and learning just how strong they really are. No matter your size, ethnicity, socio-economic status, job, history, or struggles, you are SEEN and loved. My story is a testament to the power of community and how a simple smile can change a life.  

As a member of the Queer community, it is my mission to raise awareness around identity, sexuality, and the multitude of ways our staff can create a place to call home. Fitness is both daunting and life changing. Each class, session, and appointment makes an impact. Through adversity we grow, through acceptance we thrive.  

I feel honored to be a part of the Queer community. Not simply for my gender or sexuality, but the values of unconditional love and celebration of difference that form its bedrock. Pride itself may call attention to the LGBTQIA2S+ community, but in practice it is a symbol of rebellion. Pride stands against the heteronormative, whitewashed, diet culture ridden standards institutionalized left and right and CELEBRATES difference, individuality, and the unique nature of each and every person on this earth. To be an ally is to recognize that all humans deserve to present how they choose and be granted the respect they deserve. I am dedicated as both a coach and human to advocate for inclusion and provide an ear to any member, client, or person who is struggling, coming to terms with their identity, or just looking for a friend.  

Trans male coaching fitness

I am dedicated as both a coach and human to advocate for inclusion and provide an ear to any member, client, or person who is struggling, coming to terms with their identity, or just looking for a friend.  

Coach Gale

Fitness is just one small part of who we are. While the magic behind movement can unlock doors to understand ourselves better and recognize our inner strength, we are so much more than our bodies. When you enter Experience Momentum, we want to meet you where you are at in life and embrace that journey with you every step of the way. Inclusion means redefining what’s possible and having people around you celebrate your advancement. We are all growing into a more powerful version of ourselves. No matter what that means to you, I am proud to stand alongside you and grow together into even more authentic versions of our true selves.  

If you see me around in Lynnwood or Mill Creek, please say hi, I am always happy to chat! I am here for y’all and am extremely grateful you have been here for me. That is what Pride’s all about.  



Coach Gale's journey to becoming his authentic self is inspiring. We have been fortunate to witness his growth and see him embrace his true identity with increasing confidence. He reminds us that being our truest selves can be daunting and vulnerable, as it comes with the risk of rejection. However, the reward of fully expressing our authentic selves is invaluable.

At Experience Momentum we have the expertise of registered dietitians, physical therapists, and personal trainers, to support anyone navigating their identity while pursuing movement. Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or seeking additional support along the way, know that help is available. We hope you all had a very happy Pride!

We are here to support you through your journey.


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